Weeks of Fun, Education, Love , Light and Music! Join Us!
The Washington Parish Community Arts Association is proud to present this exciting opportunity for community youth! Bruce Sampson (director of the Believe Summer Camp Experience and guest director with The Young Americans) will teach and direct this series of classes/workshops that will culminate in a musical-variety stage show with a Christmas Holiday theme. We hope to provide some other special Saturday afternoon workshops from visiting instructors throughout the semester.
SIGN UP NOW! Click Here!
Sep. 19 (6th -12th graders begin) - 10am - 12noon
Sep. 26 - 10am - 12noon
Oct. 3 (all payments due) (3-5th graders begin - 9am - 10am schedule)
Oct. 10 - 10am - 12noon
Oct. 17 - 10am - 12noon
Oct. 31 - 10am - 12noon
Nov. 7 - 10am - 12noon
Nov. 14 - 10am - 12noon
Nov. 21 - 10am - 12noon
Dec. 12 – Final Rehearsals(12 noon - 4pm) and Show (7pm-8pm)
*3rd-5th Graders will usually come from 9am -10am on Saturdays. Some days we will ask them to stay a half hour longer to work with the older kids on certain songs. Advance notice will be given in those cases.
Semester Fees: (No fees due until October 3rd - So you can try the first two weeks for free!)
3rd-5th Grades - $40
6th-12th Grades - $40 (special introductory price)
Location: Bogalusa High School Choir Room (Some Saturdays, we may choose another location, but you will be notified in advance)